
Getting vaccinated

What you should know

Yellow Fever

What is Yellow Fever?

Yellow fever is a mosquito-spread viral disease that exists in some parts of Africa and South America. The disease has a fatality rate of 60%. The symptoms include fever, vomiting, jaundice and kidney disease. Yellow fever is a very rare cause of illness in travellers, however preventive measures must be carried out.


General precautions to avoid mosquito bites should be followed alongside a yellow fever vaccination. These include the use of protective clothing and mosquito netting. Extra precautions may include treating your clothes with Permethrin. These are available at Travel Vaccination Health Care and should be discussed with your travel doctor.

The Yellow Fever vaccine provides almost 100% protection. A single yellow fever vaccination is effective from 10 days and offers lifetime immunity after administration for many people, but there are exceptions. The doctor will assess from your health history if you require any further doses, if you have had this vaccine previously. Check with your doctor if you are pregnant, allergic to eggs, have poor immunity due to chemotherapy or HIV-AIDS as this may impact your suitability for the yellow fever vaccine.

The Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate

Most countries have requirements for yellow fever vaccination for travellers coming from an endemic area, that must be met prior to entering the country. Persons over the age of 1 arriving in Australia and who have visited an endemic area within the last 6 days, will need a current WHO certificate. The vaccination and the certificate are only available from a licensed Yellow Fever centre, such as Travel Vaccination Health Care.

*This information is to be used as a guide only. Medical advice is recommended to individuals depending on their medical history, previous vaccination history and their itinerary.